Sunday, December 21, 2008
What is PayPal ?
Let me guess you are like to shop online. But you’re little nervous and entering your credit card and shipping information over and over and over again can be a such a pain! I hear it all the time.I think i have a just a right answer for you. You need PayPal account.You don’t need to give your financial information out all over the Internet! Just shop online. Let me show you what i mean.
Now you didn’t give your front door key to every plumber,cable guy or gardener who works on your house, Would you? PayPal never shares your financial information with any of the stores you shop with online. PayPal even has a industry leading fraud prevention team to help fight fraud before it happens.And PayPal is so much faster than other ways to pay online. Once you ready to pay, look for PayPal then just log in. You can even choose how to pay by using your credit card, debit card or bank account.It’s like shopping in the express lane. You’ve probably heard that PayPal is great for eBay, but did you know PayPal is accepted by tens of thousands of online stores?
Just look for PayPal where you already shop.You can’t miss it! and its PayPal its free to pay. And everyone can afford free! Millions of people all over the world use PayPal to shop online.
* It’s safe
* It’s faster
* And it’s trusted
I think you will agree the way to pay online.Ready to feel better to shopping online? Here’s where you can go to sign up for PayPal account. Now you are good to go to get a free PayPal account and shop online and send and receive money from anywhere online.
5 Fantastic Steps to Earn Fast Cash Online
1. Do market research. Determine which market you are going into. Market research is very important here and you cannot miss this process. It is going to determine how deep and how profitable your online business is going. Choose a market that is profitable and with less competition. You want people in your market that are willing to spend and you want to make sure the competition is low so that you can dominate the market more easily.
2. Create a lead capture page. The main function of this page is to capture your visitor’s names and emails. You have to build a list by doing so. If you are not building a list, you are not developing your online business. Most people will not buy from you directly; you have to follow up with them as much as you can. This is why you need to have a lead capture page.
3. Choose an affiliate program to promote. In case you don’t have any products of your own to sell, you can join affiliate programs out there. There are a lot of affiliate programs in the internet, choose one that is suitable for you market.
4. Build relationship with your list. No people will buy from a stranger, especially in the internet. There are so many similar products out there that can provide the same solutions as you do, why should people buy from you? Therefore, you have to build relationship with your market. Try to provide the information that your market is looking for, give and you shall receive.
5. Drive massive amount of traffic to your lead capture page. There is no way you can make money without traffic. Traffic is the lifeblood of your online business. If you don’t have any traffic, you will never make any money even if you have the perfect product. Now, most people fail to drive traffic because they lack of action. As long as you take the necessary action, traffic will come.
These are the 5 fantastic steps that you must follow if you want to earn fast cash online. These steps are the basics of internet marketing; you will need to learn more if you want to go deeper. However, these 5 steps are more than enough to build an extra online income stream for you
PerformancingAds - Make money and generate traffic from your blog

* We have years of experience buying and selling ads
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Why PerformancingAds?
Traffic Exchange
* Earn credits when advertisements are booked in your regions
* Use those earned credits to have your own exchange ad displayed on other publisher sites
PerformancingAds Premium: Direct Ad Sales from Performancing
If you are a publisher whose website receives over 250,000 US pageviews per month PerformancingAds may be able to offer you direct ad sales representation for your 728×90, 300×250 and 160×600 ad spots.
We have established relationships with brand advertisers and are able to leverage our network of sites to get high-value ad deals. If you’d like us to help sell ads on your site, and you get at least 250,000 US pageviews per month, please submit an application for review.
Make Firefox Run At High Speed
1. In the Address Bar, Type “about:config”. This will bring up a list of commands and variables you can edit.
2. The second step is to put “network.http.pipelining” in the filter and change the value to “true”.
3. After that you will have to put “network.http.proxy.pipelining” in the filter. Similar to the second step, change that value to “true”.
4. Next, locate “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” and change the value to some number higher, say 10,20 or even 30, it would make up to 10,20 or 30 requests at once.
5. The last step is to right click anywhere and select “New” then “Integer”. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and make its value “0″. This will make the browser respond faster on the information of the websites it receives.
6. Close out Firefox (make sure Firefox is closed, by viewing the Task Manager : CTRL+ALT+DELETE) Now restart Firefox and enjoy the new high speed.
Lock Folders Without Any Software
Suppose you want to lock the folder 'Movies' in D drive. The folder has the following path: D:\movies.
In the same drive, create a text file and type in it:
ren movies movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Note: Type the above content as it is shown.
Now save this text file as lock.bat
Create another text file in the same drive, and type in it:
ren movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} movies
Note: Type the above content as it is shown.
Now save this text file as key.bat
Double-click on lock.bat and the folder 'Movies' will change to Control Panel and no one can view its contents.
Double-click key.bat and you will get back your original folder.
Changing Yahoo Security Question
Step 1:
Sign in to the Yahoo! ID for which you want to change the security question.
Step 2:
Compose a message and write the following things in it:
Your Yahoo! ID
Pin Code
Alternate Email
Previous Question
Previous Answer
New Question
New Answer
Step 3:
Send this message to my-login-request[at]yahoo-inc[dot]com
And you're done!
Thursday, December 18, 2008

By the blessing of Almighty, our zealous SETHU EDUCATIONAL TRUST established SETHU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY in the year 1995 at Pulloor, Kariapatti - 626 106, Virudhunagar District with the motto of "KNOWLEDGE, SERVICE, PROGRESS"
Sethu Institute of Technology, the brainchild of our Chairman, Mr. S. Mohamed Jaleel, renders his noble service since 1995 to the sustained growth of the educationally, industrially, economically backward rural area.
The college started with 180 students in the year 1995 with three disciplines have flourished to the level of 2500 students in 7 disciplines with 1 Post Graduate Courses.
College is located in Madurai - Tuticorin National Highway (NH 45B), Pulloor, Kariapatti, Virudhunagar District, Nearest Madurai Airport( 12 Km from SIT). The campus is spread over a vast land of 135 acres.
To transmute the institution into a University of excellence.
To provide an ambient learning environment to achieve excellence.
Quality Policy
Our college is committed to provide Quality technical education to the students to become competent and contributing citizens and also to uplift the backward rural area.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Self-Studying APs: Improving Your App
For reference, I've taken: Biology, Calc AB, Calc BC (self), Chem, Micro (self), Eng Lit, Env Sci (self), Euro His (self), US Gov (self), Psychology (self), Stats (self), US His, World His (self), and Chinese (native). I received 11 fives, 2 fours, and 1 three.
All of the following commentaries are based on my own experience. In the cases where I have not taken the course, the general sentiments conveyed by the test takers I know are presented.
Do I Need a Course?
There are some AP exams where it might be more difficult to self-study if one doesn't have extensive prior knowledge. In these cases, it is much easier (and to your advantage) if you just take the course. Fortunately, most of these courses are offered even in schools with a small AP curriculum.
IMO, I think these courses are better (and significantly easier) with a teacher:
Calculus (without prior calc knowledge), Chemistry (for the labs), English, Languages (non-native ones), Music, Physics (depends), Art (practical), US History (for DBQs).
I think there are four subjects that lay the foundation to a good AP test taker's arsenal of AP knowledge: Calculus, English, US History, one non-Bio science AP. These exams should not be taken as self-study as Calculus teaches important mathematic concepts for university math that one might not be able to glean through self-study, English teaches essay writing skills (a prolific AP essay writer can raise his/her scores across the board by 1 point), US History teaches DBQ skills (good for History APs), and Chem/Physics teaches lab (chem) and scientific theory (physics). I would take Chem in school because of the labs (labs cannot be replicated through Cliff Notes write ups) and I would suggest only self-studying Physics (C) if one has a solid science base and is relatively adept at Calculus.
Self-Studying History APs
I took all three history APs and received 5s on all three. I would say that Euro and World History are some of the most interesting APs one can come across. The best thing is, they can generally be taken prior to APUSH (meaning, you could start on them in frosh/soph years). Euro and World both have a simplified form of the APUSH DBQ, so essay writing is not going to be a big deal in these APs. History APs are reading and writing intensive, so self-studying these courses are good humanities supplements to a strong AP science base. If you can take the whole set and get reasonable scores, I think this boosts the app in terms of academic ability and highly supplements the application.
"Easy" Self Study Exams
Now, there have been numerous threads on this topic. There are some extremely easy AP exams to self-study. I give them below and follow them with some pointers:
Environmental Science - This is a relatively straightforward exam that attaches nicely as an extension to the Ecology portion of Biology. Highly managable in a short time, Environmental Science is a combination of common sense that you already know (gleaned from mass media and general books) and just a few more ecology concepts. This is a good AP to self study right after taking or studying Biology.
Human Geography - Not having taken the exam, I can't comment extensively on this, but I've heard that this is THE easiest AP exam and there isn't too many advanced concepts covered. Perhaps would work good as a humanities supplement?
Psychology - Again, this is a popular self-study topic. The study of Psychology is extremely broad, but AP Psychology tests an extremely small subset of Psychology (that is already extensively covered in prep books). This is a self-study AP that you can take just through reading a prep book.
Art History? - Many people take this to fulfill the a-g Fine Arts requirement for UCs. I'm not particularly sure how simple this exam is, but many people claim it is highly managable through a textbook and serves the a-g requirement nicely.
General Self-Study Courses
Biology - Bio, IMO, should be the only AP science that should be self-studied. Biology is highly straightforward, as most of it require the memorization and assimilation of concepts. In fact, many people report scoring 5s on Biology just through reading through a prep book. Although I do not advise this route, Bio is the most easily managable science AP and should be considered, if taking AP Bio is not an option at school.
Economics - This is an "easy self-study" AP, but I would say requires time and is definitely not as easy assimilated as Env Sci and Psych. The AP exams also tests a very small subset of the entire study of Economics, but the various graphs and figures in Economics pose a greater obstacle than just a "breezy" self-study AP. Should be attempted with plenty of time (not a few days before the exam).
Government - Government is easy to self-study, sure - but it's very hard to get a 5 without good knowledge of the subject matter. Only 8.0% got a 5 in US Government in 2006, so it's not a self-study course that is just a "blowoff." Having a strong APUSH background will help for US Gov - aim for the details. One can probably get a 4 through attacking the gist of things, but to get a 5, you have to have detail. Advice: don't rely on prep book material alone.
Physics - Assess your scientific performance and decide whether to approach. Physics B is highly managable with just one year of general Physics, but Physics C might require more thought and specialized knowledge, especially Calculus. Physics C is actually one exam I regret not having self-studied in high school. The scientific knowledge contained within it is quite essential for future courses.
Statistics - Easy to self-study, but make sure you know the concept of "null-hypothesis testing" before venturing into the exam if you want the 5.
General Self-Studying Advice/FAQ
For subject matter containing a lot of material, start early. You cannot viably cram 6,000 years of world history knowledge in 2 nights; neither can you learn the different market systems in Economics in 1 night (I found out the hard way).
It is possible to fit self-study APs along with your school schedule. Set aside about an hour each night starting from January/February and work your way continually through May. With perserverance, it's not hard to get a 5 in many self-study exams.
Remember to register with your school in January/February about the exams you're taking in May. If you don't check in with them, they'll just register you for the AP exams you are taking at school.
Don't overload in certain topics (for example: don't take all 3 history APs and English in one year) in a certain year. Plan accordingly and well so that you can maximize your score, not just the number of AP exams you are taking.
Self-studying three exams and getting three 5s is more preferable to self-studying six and getting 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5. If you are not ready, don't take it.
You should be able to walk into testing confident that you will have a decent score (i.e. 5, maybe a 4). If you are self-studying APs, I assume you are aiming for HYPMSC schools - they are generally indifferent towards 3s and 4s.
If you want, aim to be National Scholar at the end of junior year. Take eight AP exams and score higher or equal to 4 on all of them.
Don't overload yourself on too many "small" exams (Env Sci, Hum Geo, Psych) and sacrifice your score on the "big" (and more important) exams (Physics, Calc, English).
If you are contemplating on self-studying APs, you probably have the intellect necessary to do wonderfully. Self-studying APs is a question of discipline, not of sheer brainpower.
AP exam scores are not the most important components of your application, but they can really bring out your initiative when you perhaps cannot demonstrate your academic prowess otherwise. For example, how can you convey the fact that you do have the ability to do 8 APs in one year if your score does not even allow you to take more than 2 in a year? How can you demonstrate that you can take more than 15 APs when your school only has 5 (maybe less) AP courses? I'm writing this generally toward the smaller-school audience, not the prep school or magnet school types.
Questions, comments about self-studying? I'd be happy to answer them :]
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sethu Institute of Technology(2003 - 2006)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Top 10 Most Unusual College Degrees
We talk to a lot college students here at ScholarPoint and have seen a very wide range of different college majors. We’re often blown away by some of the weird degrees we hear about. Here’s a list of some of the more unusual ones that we’ve come across.
1. Master Ranching - Showing up to college wearing spurs and riding a horse probably isn’t the best idea, unless you go to Texas A&M-Kingsville’s Institute for Ranch Management. The university is offering the first ever master degree program for ranchers. What was once a profession passed on from generation to generation is now getting sophisticated enough that it may actually require an MBA. Go figure. Graduates can expect salaries in the $50,000-$75,000 range.
2. Astrobiology - ET phone home. The University of Glamorgan in the UK offers a degree in Astrobiology, which is the search for life beyond earth. So if hunting for alien life is your thing consider a career in Astrobiology.
3. Retail Floristry - I bet you never thought working at your local flower shop required a college degree. Well, it probably doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean you can’t major in Retail Floristry anyway. Career opportunities are a step above working the cash register and include wholesaling, special event designing, and display gardening. This program is offered through Mississippi State Universityand graduates can expect a 90% job placement rate.
4. Professional Nanny - Sullivan University in Louisville Kentucky offers a professional nanny program, which prepares graduates to work in private residences, day care centers, children’s hospitals, and country clubs. This is a perfect career for those girls who grew up babysitting all the neighborhood kids that now want to make more than $2 per hour.
5. Sports Ministry - Graduates from this program are prepared for positions in non-profit organizations seeking to use sports as an avenue for teachingreligion. This program is offered through Campbellsville University in Campbellsville Kentucky.
6. Adventure Recreation - Do you like snowboarding, scuba diving, ice climbing, or whitewater rafting? If you answered yes, perhaps you should consider doing what you love for a job and start by making it your college major. GreenMountain College in Vermont is offering major and minor programs in Adventure Recreation, which aims to place graduates in a variety of outdoor recreation careers such as those listed above.
7. Golf & Sports Turf Management - Just because you were never good at football doesn’t mean you can’t make it your job. Only you’ll be repairing the grass they tear apart every week. The course curriculum offered by Mississippi Sate University will prepare you for a career as a golf superintendent or a sports turf manager at city, school, and professional sports arenas. Graduates in this field also enjoy a 90% job placement rate.
8. Comedy: Writing and Performance - Here’s a degree program that actually requires ” a great sense of humor” as an admission requirement. Humber College in Canada offers this program to help naturally talented students hone their craft and learn the commercial side of the business. Students learn stand-up, improv, scriptwriting, and sketch comedy.
9. Organic Agriculture - Organic foods make up more than 2.5% of all food and drink sales nationwide and have been increasing by 20% per year since 1990. This makes organic farming an attractive career opportunity. This is the first organic agriculture major in the nation and is offered through Washington StateUniversity.
10. Fishing Sciences and Management - This masters program is offered by Colorado State University and focuses on fish populations for recreational and commercial fishing purposes to ensure adequate conservation and utilization. If nothing else the courses on fish psychology should at the very least help you catch more fish
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What is ComboFix?
What is ComboFix?
ComboFix is a legitimate spyware remover. It was designed to specifically target SurfSideKick, QooLogic, and Look2Me as well as any other combination of the mentioned spyware applications. With its built-in engine that removes Vundo infections, it can also take charge of the latter but not all of them.
Aside from this, ComboFix has other built-in utilities that make it capable of unhooking any .dll file within the Windows System 32 folder. This enables the user to achieve personal access to the folder.
This ability of ComboFix allows the manual removal of spyware infections that had taken refuge inside the folder. It acts as a specialized effective cleaning tool, which has proven to be very useful compared to other malware removers that also clean up infected computers.
ComboFix also has a Command Line that allows the users to terminate up to eight files at a time. Its built-in engine for file deleting enables the user to delete other files, especially the locked hidden files instead of deleting just the infected ones.
Although ComboFix is very useful for the removal of spyware infections, it has limited functions. This is since it was only designed for specific infections, thus making it incapable of eradicating other computer
This application needs constant updates for you to have the latest protection. In fact, ComboFix should not be used on computers that have a specific rootkit because it will prompt ComboFix to delete all files from the system drive.
In using ComboFix, certain precautionary measure should always be taken. If your computer problems were caused by one of the spyware applications mentioned above, then this program can be used to get rid of your spyware infections. This is the only time that you should use ComboFix.
Micro USB drive from Buffalo
Micro USB drive from Buffalo
Japanese company Buffalo has added new Micro USB thumb key in the RMUM Series. This Micro USB Thumb key measures 15 x 22 x 8mm and 2.3grams weights. Obviously, it is a micro SDHC Card reader which sold with 1, 2, 4 or 8GB microSD Card. The RMUM is accessible this December in Japan
Tips to Solve Uncommon Windows Error Messages

Tips to Solve Uncommon Windows Error Messages
While working on your Windows PC you may come across several common and uncommon computer errors, such as Windows XP Stop 00000001E Error and WMP.dll Error Message. These errors may occur when certain conditions on your PC are true.
Discussed in this article are a few steps that you can perform to resolve such computer errors:
Free Up Disk Space
These days, despite having hard disks with a large amount storage space, it does not take long to fill it up. This happens because with the increase in disk space, the space requirements for different software programs and different types of files have also increased. Listed below are some of the tasks that you can perform to free up disk space:
Use Add or Remove Programs or a good third-party program uninstaller to uninstall unwanted programs.
Use the Disk Cleanup utility to get rid of unwanted temporary files, programs setup files, and old system restore points.
Use the Disk Defragmenter tool to consolidate fragmented files and make your data contiguous.
Remove Faulty Programs and Device Drivers
Errors, such as Windows XP Stop 00000001E error are known to occur due to problems with a device driver or program. Usually, the name of the faulty device driver or program file appears in the error message. In case this happens, you may perform one of the following tasks to resolve the error:
Use Device Manager or Add or Remove Programs (whichever applies) utility to uninstall the faulty device driver or faulty program reported in the error message.
Visit the device or program manufacturer web site to check if any updates for the software are availableif you find an update, install it to resolve the error.
Update Your System
Several software error messages, such as WMP.dll error message are displayed due to the existence of old versions of program files. To prevent errors such as these, you must always keep your operating system, software programs, and device drivers updated with the latest service packs and security releases. Windows operating systems and many programs and drivers comprise the automatic update feature. You should keep this feature enabled to ensure that the software on your system always stays updated. This will not only help prevent compatibility related errors, but also prevent infections from malware programs that are built around these security lapses.
Scan and Repair the Windows Registry
Computer problems can also occur due to registry bloating. Registry bloating occurs when a large amount of unwanted, obsolete, and invalid entries accumulate within the registry. When the registry bloats up, it becomes unstable and starts generating computer errors. To prevent computer errors due to registry problems, you must regularly scan and repair your registry. As it is difficult to perform manual scan and clean up of the complex registry files, you may use a reliable third-party registry tool to perform the task.
Scan and Remove Malware
Malware programs, such as virus, Trojans, and spyware can generate several computer problems. Two tools that are essential to combat these malicious programs are antivirus and antispyware tools. You must obtain and install these tools on your computer. Additionally, always keep the tools updated with the latest virus database and schedule them to perform full system scans on a regular basis to ensure that your PC remains free of malicious information at all times.
Indian Entertainment Industry

Two decades in the Indian entertainment industry, has seen him from a television actor to a Bollywood superstar and producer. When he stepped back into television again in 2007, it was as the host to Kaun Banega Crorepati, one of the most popular TV shows of all times. Throw in several awards of recognition and his unquestioned popularity and there you have it – Shah Rukh Khan, the stuff legends are made of and then some.
Shah Rukh Khan was born in Delhi on Nov 2 1965, to Taj Mohammed Khan, a freedom fighter from Peshawar and Lateefa Mohammed, from Rawalpindi, who was the adopted daughter of Major General Shah Nawaz Khan of the Janjua Rajput clan, who served as a General in the Indian National Army of Subash Chandra Bose. His father and mother moved to India before the Partition. Khan has an older sister Shehnaz, fondly known as LalaRukh.
Khan did his schooling at St.Columbus where he excelled in academics, sports and drama. While here he won the Sword of Honor, a recognition given to students who embodied the spirit of the school. He went on to acquire an Honors degree in Economics from the Hansraj College. He also started out to obtain a Masters degree in Mass Communications from Jamia Millia Islamia, before looking the Bollywood way.
He moved to Mumbai in 1991 after the death of his parents. He married Gauri Khan, a Hindu, and they have two children Aryan and Suhana and live in a palatial home called Mannat in Bandra, Mumbai.
Khan’s debut as an actor was in 1988, in a TV serial called Fauji, about life in the Indian Army, where he played the role of Commander Abhimanyu Rai. He appeared in another serial called Circus, about performers in a circus, in 1989. He also played a small part in a TV film written by Arundhati Roy called In which Annie gives it to those ones.
His debut into Bollywood was with Deewana, in 1992, which was an instant hit. His performance stood out despite sharing screen space with accomplished actors like Rishi Kapoor and Divya Bharati. He went on to win the Best Debut category of the Filmfare Awards, a beginning of many more to come.
Deewana was followed by Maya Memsaab which created some amount of controversy over ‘explicit’ scenes. In 1993 he came out with two movies both of which were successful and in both movies he portrayed negative characters, which most top actors at that time considered risqué. In Darr he played the role of an obsessive man who stalks and terrorizes a woman he loves. In Baazigar, where he was cast as a murderer motivated by revenge, won him the Filmfare Best Actor Award. He won the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance for his role as young musician in Kabhie Haan Kabhie Naan.
In 1994, we saw him winning the Filmfare Best Villain Award for Anjaam where he once again played a negative role. In 1995, he played the part of Raj in one of the biggest blockbusters of Hindi cinema, which is still running in Mumbai theaters, Aditya Chopra’s Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge. He took home another Filmfare Best Actor Award. He didn’t see a lot of successes in 1996. However, it took a turn for the better in 1997, when Dil To Pagal Hai released, a movie about a love triangle between three dancers, and he walked away, yet again, with the Filmfare Best Actor Award. The same year he was also nominated for Yes Boss. Karan Johar’s directorial debut Kuch Kuch Hota Hai in 1998 received a huge audience response and won Khan another Filmfare Best Actor Award. His performance in Mani Rathnam’s Dil Se, which revolved around terrorism, was also critically acclaimed.
At the turn of the century, he saw successful releases in Mohabbatein, where he worked alongside Amitabh Bacchan and Josh with Aishwarya Rai. He won the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance for Mohabbatein. He, along with Juhi Chawla, started their production company Dreamz Unlimited and produced and starred in Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani, which didn’t fare very well. The epic movie Asoka, where he played the Emperor Asoka and the multi-starrer Kabhie Khushi Kabhie Gham, made their mark in 2001. He was cast as the tragic lover Devdas, in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s remake of the award winning Devdas, in 2002. It won him the Filmfare Best Actor Award. In 2003, he received nominations for his performance in Kal Ho Na Ho and his production house saw it’s first success in Chalte Chalte.
His second production house, Red Chillies Entertainment, saw light in 2004 and it’s first release Farah Khan’s debut Main Hoon Na, was one of the biggest successes of the year, alongside his other movie the same year, Veer-Zaara. He walked away with the Filmfare Best Actor Award for his role in Swades though the movie created hardly any ripples in the box-office. Another big release from Red Chillies Entertainment in 2005 was Paheliin which he played a ghost. It was India’s entry to the Oscars. A documentary on Khan titled The Inner and Outer World of Shah Rukh Khan was produced by Nasreen Munni Kabir in 2005. Another multi-starrer directed by Karan Johar in 2006 was Kabhie Alvida Na Kehna that made a splash in India and overseas. He also starred in the remake of the seventies hit Don. The Filmfare Best Actor Award landed in his hand yet again in 2007 for his role as Kabir Khan in Chak De India where he is the tough coach for the girls’ hockey team. His performance in Farah Khan’s Om Shanthi Om also won him nominations.
Khan was back again on the small screen, after KBC, in 2008 as the host of Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain?, which is the desi version of Are you smarter than a fifth grader? There are more movies lined up to release in the later part of 2008 and 2009, like Billo Barber and My Name Is Khan, as he shows no signs of slowing down.
Other worthy achievements
Khan is one of the Bollywood actors whose life size wax statue was created and displayed at Madame Tussaud’s Museum in London. He has been honored with the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Order of the Arts and Literature) award by the French government in recognition for the mark he has made in the industry.